Tuition & Schedule Details

  • Tuition is $60 per hour ONLINE (surcharges of $15 per lesson for non-USD currency exchanges)
  • All lessons are minimum 60 minutes in length. Students may choose longer lessons, up to 2 hours in length.
  • Students will pre-pay for each month's lessons at the beginning of the month. A Square invoice will emailed to you  for the coming month’s schedule. You can then pay with Zelle, Venmo, or use Square to pay with a credit card, due in advance of the 1st lesson of that month.
  • In the event of absence by Austin, credit will be forwarded to the next month’s invoice, unless we can reschedule.
  • Absences by the student will be credit forwarded, provided that Colby is given a minimum of 36 HOURS notice.

Student Expectations

  • Students are expected to be ready for lessons in a timely manner, with all required materials set up before the agreed upon time for your lesson. I will call/send invite at or before the time of our lesson, or will have communicated beforehand.
  • Students are expected to communicate between lessons with me in a timely fashion, vial phone/text or email. Responses to all my communication are highly encouraged - please try to reply to each, just so I know you received it.
  • If a student does not arrive in lesson within 10 minutes of the start with no communication, that lesson will be forfeit.

Teacher Expectations

  • If I am ever running late from another lesson, I will give you as much advance notice as possible, making every effort to be early to each lesson.
  • I will continually evaluate your progress as related to our goals for your development, give you detailed feedback at every lesson, and work in partnership with you to create a customized path for your growth and learning.
  • I will do everything I know to inspire you, to educate you, and to develop your inner artist!